

Hello and welcome to our amazing extreme porn website! It's not just a place where you can get your rocks off or spend some time and never come back, no – it's a place where people satisfy their sexual cravings. A place where people find like-minded people, a place where all of your deepest, most perverted fantasies become a reality.

Our astounding porn collection continues to grow and evolve, every single day we upload something new, exciting and deeply perverted. You won't find anything that could be considered lame, tame or flat-out vanilla on here. We won't have it any other way. We want you to stay true to your most warped desires, we actually respect them, because we are the same way. Hopefully, our passion for all things extreme erotica will make your porn-watching experience pretty much perfect. And now is a good time to talk about all the sections of your new favorite website.

First off, we have scat videos. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but our numbers show that it's one of the most (if not the most) popular niches on our website. Next we have Enemas featuring enema play videos and all other sorts of enema-related perverse sexual games. Moving past that, we also host videos and clips related to Fisting/Bizarre Insertions and Large Toys/Fucking Machines. That's for the people who enjoy watching some girl's once-tight hole get stretched out, almost ripped in half. So, in short, if you want to get a vertigo by looking at someone's gaping hole, these two sections are for you.

BDSM, of course. There's nothing quite like twisted domination and sweet submission. We have BDSM general section with whips, chains and all the other stuff that excites Rihanna by her own admission. Next we have a Female Domination section to satisfy all of your femdom-related urges, get ready to see facesitting, foot worship, cuckolding and more. Lesbian Domination or Lezdom section is filled with beautiful videos featuring two (or more) girls indulging in some perverse BDSM games. Male Domination or maledom is all about women who like it rough, almost a bit too rough and they guys who are willing to be heartless, ruthless and overly aggressive.

If you are looking for something more extreme, we got you covered. How about some nice vomit videos? Girls/guys losing control and barfing on camera, vomiting on each other or being bile-covered during their warped love-making sessions? Sounds pretty nice, doesn't it? We also have a hole section dedicated to Rape Fantasy and, unsurprisingly enough, our numbers show that this particular niche is favorited by our female visitors. If you want an endless stream of pissing videos, we also have that. Other categories include Bondage and Fetish, PVC and Latex and Fetish Miscellaneous.

Incest  sex videos featuring beautiful babes getting fucked by their uncles, stepdads, stepbrothers, and mums getting fucked by their sons. If you are into incest sex and would wish to fuck your gorgeous cousin or step-sister, then this site will get you going. While some may shun away from taboo porn, some find this kink awesome and would enjoy watching it all day. If you are among this group, this site offers plenty of sex videos of this nature. Check it out today and watch the hottest incest porn ever.

For something considerably tamer, we have a section dedicated to Foot Fetish. That's the most mainstream fetish one could think of, so it's barely a fetish, we can get ourselves a Tits Fetish section at that rate. Farts section lets you watch videos featuring, what else, farting girls and guys. Squirting videos are dedicated to the ever-compelling, explosive female orgasm. Spit videos will make your mouth water, you're totally gonna drool all over that keyboard. There are also sections dedicated Medical Hardcore Fetish, Pumping, Teens (18+) and the now infamous Asshole Corner. We are still open to suggestions, which one is better – Asshole Corner, Asshole Asylum or Asshole Alley? Alliteration is appealing, admit it.

And our ace in the hole, so to speak, is the Most Extreme Stuff section. It's so extreme it doesn't even have a proper name. Naming it something would be absurd, because there's no way to pinpoint the common thread in the content. It's all wild, some of the most bizarre, twisted, violent porn you have ever seen. Some of that stuff is exclusive, it came from private collections, some of it was submitted by our admittedly creepy (yet awesome) users, and some of it we just found on your mom's hard drive. Don't be afraid to open it, it's not some Lemarchand's box. We know you want to.

To make this long story short, we just want you to have fun on our website. It's freaky and so what, you are deeply disturbed too. You need twisted porn like that and we're giving it to you. Every single day, week in and week out, the whole year round. You're getting free updates, tons of extreme porn, again, free of charge. Make no mistake about it: we want to hear your feedback, we want you to tell us what videos you enjoy, hell, you can even tell us about how your day went – we don't care, we do it for you and we want to hear back from you.